
When you enroll at 买球网站, you are part of an institution with a stellar academic reputation based on top-quality instruction and strong student support services.

Fast Facts and Benchmarks

We are committed to collecting and analyzing evidence about the college for purposes of improving as an institution. View some of the data and information the college uses to make sure we are achieving our mission.


Being an accredited institution offers you assurance that 买球网站 is operating with integrity. It also opens the door to other resources for you, such as financial aid and veterans’ services. See our institutional and program accreditations.

Budget transparency reporting

Our local community funds 买球网站’s operations by passing millages, and you have a right to know how we put your taxes to use. See our annual operating budget and revisions.

Higher Learning Accreditation

买球网站 has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1973, by undergoing a process of evaluation every 10 years. Learn more about the accreditation process and 买球网站's strategic planning

Payer Transparency Mandate - Machine Readable Files


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